The way media is delivered to you. Media/design is the way in which the work is presented to us. There’s many examples of this such as print which is a regular paper sized document and PowerPoint which is just a slide show. This was something that wasn’t new to me and i fully grasped way before this class. I and all other classmates i assume have done PowerPoint and prints before so we know the differences in media and examples. Something this class however did do really well is explains the reason why some medias are better to present certain things better than others. To give an example when we were doing instructions my group and i thought that a PowerPoint would be much better than a print for instructions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We though about the fact that it would be better for a kid as well to see it in PowerPoint form because the words are bigger, the photos are bigger and there just aren’t many words as it’s straight to the point.
Those two images above are 2 examples of the PowerPoint on instructions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
The above image my table of contents to my lab report to show the print style media.